In This Section
FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
- Arrival & Dismissal Procedures
- Attendance Policy
- Indoor Air Quality/Tools for Schools (IAQ/TFS)
- Inclement Weather Procedures
- Recess Policy
- Registering a New Student
- Reporting a Concern
- What Is ParentSquare?
- What Is PowerSchool Parent Portal?
Arrival & Dismissal Procedures
Attendance Policy
Research shows that absences add up, and good attendance is essential to student achievement and connection to school.
State law requires school districts and schools to have specific policies and procedures regarding students who are truant. A truant is defined as a student who has has 4 unexcused absences from school in one month (30 consecutive calendar days) or 10 unexcused absences in one school year.
If a student becomes truant, their school is required to have a meeting with the student’s parent/guardian within 10 school days. In this meeting, the school should work with the student and guardian to help the student return to school.
Ultimately, the most effective strategy for helping students be present in school is prevention. Attendance monitoring, enhancing school culture and community, increasing student engagement, and mentoring students for academic success are effective strategies for preventing truancy.
The following regulations are set by the district:
1. In every instance of absence or tardiness, a written or electronic communication, or personal phone call is required of the parent or guardian providing the reason.
2. Fox Run will check attendance daily.
3. When a student is excused from school, the responsibility for make up work rest with the student.
I believe it is important to know what the expectations are. Know that we at Fox Run are here to help and support you and your child. Please contact us when an absence does occur. We do appreciate your support in recognizing the importance of school attendance and being on time to school.
Norwalk BOE Policy 5113
- sickness death in the family
- religious observance/instruction
- family emergency of short duration
- medical/dental appointment
(We strongly urge that appointments be made outside the school day.)
Unexcused absences (any absence without a phone call or note from parent/guardian)
- missing the school bus
- car trouble or other problems getting to school regarding transportation
- staying home to baby-sit
- oversleeping
- inclement weather family vacations
In keeping with the philosophy that students need to maintain regular attendance at school, we strongly discourage families from scheduling any trips other than during the normal school vacations. If unusual circumstances arise, contact the guidance counselor.
Indoor Air Quality/Tools for Schools (IAQ/TFS)
Annually, each local or regional board of education provides for a uniform inspection and evaluation program of the indoor air quality within each school building using the Environmental Protection Agency's Indoor Air Quality Tools for Schools Program. See CGS § 10-220(d), PA 22-118, and PA 23-167.
Click here to find the IAQ/TFS for Fox Run Elementary School.
Inclement Weather Procedures
Inclement Weather Protocols
- DELAY: All delays are two hours in duration. Morning care will operate on a delayed schedule.
- CLOSURE: All schools are closed for the day. All after-school activities and programs are canceled.
- EARLY DISMISSAL: Schools open on time, but will end earlier than the regular school day, generally 2 hours before normal dismissal times. All after-school programs are canceled including after-school care. Early dismissals will be called by 10 a.m.
- AFTER-SCHOOL CANCELLATION: School opens and ends at the regular time but all after-school programs are canceled.
- DELAY: Program will have a delayed start of 2 hours.
- EARLY DISMISSAL: After school programs are canceled. CASPER at Carver Center will still pick up students and dismissal will be from Carver Center.
Where to Find Inclement Weather Announcements
To ensure the information you receive is accurate, we encourage all families to rely on official NPS sources. School delays, closures, early dismissals and after-school cancellations are communicated in the following places:
- Norwalk Public Schools website: www.norwalkps.org
- ParentSquare message -- text, email and phone call
- NPS Social Media:
- NPS Facebook
- NPS Twitter (twitter.com/norwalkps)
- NPS Info Line recording: (203) 854-4123
- Local TV, radio and online media outlets, including:
TheHour.com | News 12 | WTNH Channel 8 |
WICC 600 AM |
WFAS 1230 AM/103.9 FM |
WDAQ 98.3 FM |
WSTC 1400 AM | CTWeather.com | WSHU 1260 AM/91.1 FM |
On days when weather may impact the school day, we ask that parents and guardians check these sources frequently for information. Parents and guardians should always make sure their child’s school has up-to-date contact information on file.
Although rare, changing conditions may require that a delay is changed to a cancellation, or that an early dismissal is called after the school day begins. We will make every effort to avoid changes, but there are times when it cannot be avoided.
Recess Policy
- Precipitation - rain, misting, drizzling, freezing rain, sleet, snow
- Temperatures below 20 degrees Fahrenheit
- Wind chill factors causing perceived temperatures below 20 degrees
- Temperatures of 90 degrees Fahrenheit and above (consult with Norwalk Health Department)
In the unlikely event that a field or typical recess area is out of commission during recess time, the building principal or his/her designee may change said location of recess or cancel recess until further notice at his/her discretion.
Registering a New Student
Reporting a Concern
What to Do When You Have a Concern
Ladder of Referral
If a parent/guardian has a question or concern regarding their child's progress or well being within the school program, we urge you to follow the steps outlined below. Parent concerns about a student related to teaching staff should be referred first to the teacher. If your concern is not addressed to your satisfaction, then please follow the procedure outlined below:
As soon as you have a concern, send a note, call, or email the teacher during school hours. Leave your name, phone number and time you can be reached. Please also follow this procedure for concerns about special programs and/or services. Teachers wish to hear more, not less, from parents. The majority of misunderstandings can be resolved with the teacher.
School Counselor
The School Counselor should be contacted before contacting the Principal.
Assistant Principal or Dean of Students
If the issue has not been resolved to your satisfaction, send a note, call, or email the Assistant Principal.
If the issue has still not been resolved to your satisfaction, send a note, call, or email the Principal.
Central Office
If necessary, the principal will direct you to staff at Norwalk Public School’s Central Office.
Superintendent and Board of Education
After appropriate discussion with Central Office personnel, decisions may be appealed first to the Superintendent and ultimately to the Board of Education. Any appeal to the Board should be in writing and signed.
If you have questions or concerns about a teacher, please begin by contacting the teacher first. If your concern is not addressed to your satisfaction, then please follow the procedure outlined below:
- Contact the Teacher
- Then contact the School Counselor, Dean, or Social Worker
- Then contact the Assistant Principal
- Then the Principal
- Then the Assistant Superintendent
- Then the Superintendent
- And last, the Board of Education
The Ladder of Referral is part of the NPS Behavior Interventions and Expectations Guide.
What Is ParentSquare?
ParentSquare is a unified communications platform is designed to keep parents and guardians informed and encourage greater engagement and connection with your child’s school or the district. It provides a safe way for district administrators, school principals, teachers, staff, and parents to:
- Send and receive school and class information
- Share pictures and files
- See calendar items
- Sign up to volunteer
- Schedule parent-teacher conferences
- and much more . . . all in one centralized place!
What Is PowerSchool Parent Portal?
PowerSchool Parent Portal offers parents the ability to access their child(ren)’s grades and attendance.
- One parent portal account can be linked to all of your children
- You can set up notifications to be sent to your email
- The district will also be sending forms that you can complete via the parent portal
- Once your account is set up, you can use the mobile app for added convenience
- You can also see fee balances and lunch account balances
Reach out to your school(s) to receive the Access Information needed to link your child(ren) to your account.
Fox Run Elementary School
228 Fillow St., Norwalk, CT 06850
Carla Monterio-Walsh | Principal | Phone: 203-899-2860